In Conversation with Katie Ewald, Curator of Double Time

From the curator and organizer of Short&Sweet: Guelph Edition comes a new event called Double Time. In a casual and fun setting, Double Time features local artists and artists from across Canada who will open up their process and invite you in to see what they can make over a two-day period.  

Twelve artists are randomly paired up. Each pairing creates a short work of 2-5 minutes and then they show it twice. Join us to witness exploration, vulnerability and risk-taking. We spoke to Katie about Double Time and the upcoming festival:

GD: What about your work are you most excited to share with the audience?

K: I am excited to share with everyone the amazing artists who have agreed to be a part of this new experiment! As the curator, I invest a lot of time in conversations with the human behind the artist, getting to know their needs, desires and edges. I do my best to create a sense of freedom for each artist balanced by the sense of being held. I hope that the public will enjoy the energy of the individuals, as well as the result of mixing them into random pairs and above all, the small community we are building for that night!

Artwork by: Devon Kerslake

GD: What was your biggest takeaway from the process of creating this work? Has the work shifted over the past few years?

K: As the curator and producer I cut my teeth with 5 iterations of Short&Sweet: Guelph Edition. Through that I have spent many hours talking with artists, making connections, and listening to their passions. With that behind me, I wanted to make something new that has the fun and casual atmosphere of Short&Sweet but could develop an even deeper sense of community. With this first iteration of Double Time I already feel the 12 artists guided by Lesley Greco (the workshop facilitator) creating a sense of shared language and experience – Something that we will open up and share with you!  We will share their short works (2-5 minutes) TWICE (with an intermission in between) so that we can see how things change, stay the same, grow and change us.  We will spend a little more time “listening” to the artists’ work and with the fun and casual energy of a cabaret will celebrate that we can be together!

GD: This is the first year the GD Festival is showcasing both live and live streamed versions of artist’s works. Can you speak about the opportunity to perform in front of live audiences again as well as view your work digitally?

K: As Double Time investigates listening, I think the live audience will be in for a real treat.  We are so lucky to be able to come together and be back in person to feel and sense each other.  If you will join us digitally, I see that as an amazing way to be with a place that you are not able to physically be in at that moment. That is one of the gifts the pandemic has brought upon us – The recognition that accessibility matters and that providing it is a gesture of care.

You can catch Double Time at our Late Night B series, happening on June 4th from 9:30-11:30 PM, followed by an After-Party Lounge! Visit our festival page to see the full festival schedule and to get your tickets.

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