In the Park
Hidden Heart Collective
Guelph, Ontario
Counterpoise 2014
Choreographed by Meghan MacNeil & Mistyna Wilcock
Human Playground
Montreal, Quebec
Auto-Fiction 2009
Choreographed by Milan Gervais
Across Oceans
Toronto, Ontario
Untitled 2014
Choreographed by Maxine Heppner
Guelph Youth Dance Company
Guelph, Ontario
In an orderly fashion 2013
Choreographed by Julia Garlisi
Mix Mix Dance Collective
Toronto, Ontario
Choreographed by Emily Law & Ashley Perez
On the Stage
Mocean Dance
Halifax, Nova Scotia
A leash for two hounds 2013
Choreographed by Lesandra Dodson
Sinha Danse
Montreal, Quebec
Hi5 Lo5 wifi takka takka dhim 2011
Choreographed by Roger Sinha
Shannon Litzenberger Contemporary Dance
Toronto, Ontario
Everyday Marvels 2013
Choreographed by Shannon Litzenberger, Robert Abubo, Julia Aplin, Susie Burpee, Valerie Calam, Marie-Josée Chartier, Peter Chin & Dan Wild
In the Studio
Jessica Runge
Toronto, Ontario
at once (im)possible 2014
Choreographed by Heidi Strauss, in collaboration with Jessica Runge and Brendan Wyatt
MOonhORsE Dance Theatre
Toronto, Ontario
Beside You 2013
Choreographed by Susanna Hood
Local Initiatives
Katie Ewald
Guelph, Ontario
Disappearing Geography 2008
Choreographed by Katie Ewald
Lynette Segal and Steph Yates
Guelph, Ontario
Echo 2014
Choreographed by Lynette Segal and Steph Yates
Adrienne Spier
Guelph, Ontario
Dance Floor 2014
Choreographed by Robert Kingsbury
Tim Wilson
Halifax, Nova Scotia
To Make Ends Meet (Film Screening)
Youth Moves
Contemporary School of Dance
Waterloo, Ontario
in my heart 2013
Choreographed by Heather Roy-Kleihauer
Dasein Dance School
London, Ontario
Abandon 2013
Choreographed by Louis Labergé-Côte
Guelph Youth Dance Company
Guelph, Ontario
High Tide 2012
Choreographed by Jordana Deveau
Creative Children’s Dance Centre Inc.
Toronto, Ontario
Pour 2002
Choreographed by Mairead Filgate
no. 369 Collective
Orangeville, Ontario
Go Slowly 2014
Choreographed by Kerri-Ann Hutton
Renaissance School of the Arts Dance Company
Waterloo, Ontario
Mad World 2013
Choreographed by Deanne Bingleman
Carousel Dance Company
Waterloo, Ontario
Hi, my name is 2013
Choreographed by Lauren Runions
Perpetual Motion Youth Company, Swansea School of Dance, and YMI Dancing
Cambridge and Toronto, ON
BliP 2014
Choreographed by Julia Aplin