Carol Prieur started her career with Winnipeg Contemporary Dancers. She has worked with the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault. Grants permitted her to pursue her studies in New York, Europe and India where she was initiated into Kalarypayattu, an Indian martial art form. Since she became a member of COMPAGNIE MARIE CHOUINARD in 1995, three solos have been created for her: Humanitas, Étude Poignante, and Mouvements. She received an Award for Best Performance in Marie Chouinard’s film, Cantique no. 1, at the Moving Pictures Festival of Dance on Film and Video Award in Toronto. In 2010, Carol was named Dancer of the Year by the magazine TANZ. In 2014, she is the first recipient for the Prix de la Danse de Montréal – INTERPRÈTE. In 2020, she celebrates her twenty-fifth anniversary as a performer with the Company.